
Reference projects

HÜBNER-LEE's horticultural solutions live in action

Get an impression of how our customers use our horticultural solutions and TTE® in their businesses.

Many of them have been doing so for many years.

Tree nursery Grandiflora

The entire product range in use

Since 2016, the Grandiflora nursery in Saint Lyphard, France, has been using HÜBNER-LEE products.

From Flexi Tray to the classic Pot Holders, Multikett plates to more than 4,500 running metres of CC Trolley Tracks, almost the entire product range is used. 
Products: Flexi Tray, Pot Holders, Multikett plates, CC Trolley Tracks

Kühne Grün erleben

Greened TTE® car park and sales areas

The Kühne Grün erleben garden centre in Dresden welcomes its customers in a more than 2,000 m2 customer car park. It was designed with TTE® GREEN and TTE® PAVING. A special detail: the rollaway protection for shopping trolleys behind each parking space. 

700 m2 of TTE® was also laid in the plant exhibition area in 2021. 
Application: Parking space
Project size: > 2,000 m²
Year of construction: 2021

Handelskwekerij Escaro

CC Trolley Tracks in pot plant production

The Dutch family business Handelskwekerij Escaro decided to use CC Trolley Tracks in 2020.

In the sedum greenhouse, a whole 1,150 CC Trolley Tracks are in use. This corresponds to more than one kilometre of total tracks.
Products: CC Trolley Tracks
Application: Logistics paths
Project size: 1,380 running metre
Year of construction: 2020

Gartenbaumschule Patzlsperger (tree nursery)

Heavy-duty TTE® logistics routes for vehicles and visitors

The Patzlsperger tree nursery relies on the heavy-duty TTE® system to pave more than 1,300 m2 of paths.

The infiltration-capable system is also convincing on the exhibition areas. Puddles after watering? They are a thing of the past with TTE®.  
Product: TTE® PAVE, Pot Holders, Multikett plates
Application: Route paving
Project size: 1,300 m2
Year of construction: 2011

Garten-Land Wohlhüter Gundelfingen

Green parking space built with TTE® as a calling card

The Wohlhüter family opted for the greened TTE® variant for their customer parking space measuring approx. 2,800 m2. Implemented in 2013, the project is not only visually impressive. The paved walking areas for shopping carts and the driving lane covered up to 50% in grass are also highly functional.
Application: Parking space
Project size: > 2,800 m2
Year of construction: 2013

Gärtnerei Sieben (nursery)

CC Trolley Tracks & TTE® logistics paths

With TTE® and the practical CC Trolley Tracks, the Sieben nursery has created resilient logistics paths for vehicles and employees.
Products: TTE® MultidrainPLUS, CC Trolley Tracks
Application: Logistics paths
Project size: > 1.200 m² 
Year of construction: -

Baumschule Haid (tree nursery)

Flexi Tray against wind throw damages

Since 2020, the Haid nursery has been using Flexi Tray to prevent windthrow damage and ensure uniform plant growth. 

The classic pot holders from HÜBNER-LEE have also been in use since 2014. 
Products: Flexi Tray, Pot Holders

Häussermann Stauden + Gehölze

Wind protection with classic Pot Holders

Häussermann Stauden + Gehölze uses the classic Pot Holders from HÜBNER-LEE on a large scale to ensure even growth of perennials, shrubs and trees.
Product: Pot Holders

Gärtnerei Schlenker (nursery)

Inexpensive path paving with Multikett

On more than 668 running metres, the Schlenker nursery uses Multikett plates as a practical alternative to concrete slabs. 
Product: Multikett plates
Application: Logistics paths
Project size: 668 running metre
Year of construction: -

Bogie’s Pflanzenwelt Garden Centre

100% permeable paved parking space

Bogie's Pflanzenwelt created an unsealed, infiltrative customer car park in 2011 using TTE® PAVE.

By using different paving colours, red and grey, the individual parking spaces are clearly separated from each other. In addition, pedestrian-friendly zebra crossings could be integrated with TTE® PAVE. 
Product: TTE® PAVE
Application: Parking space
Project size: > 3,000 m2
Year of construction: 2011

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