
For a tomorrow

for all people.

At HÜBNER-LEE, we have been working every day for more than 30 years to create a future worth living. A future worth living for all people.

That is why our commitment does not stop with our products.

Commitment and partnerships

  • since 2016

    Plan International

    Logo Aktion Deutschland Hilft
    Since 2016, HÜBNER-LEE has enabled 21 girls and boys in 9 countries to receive a school education through sponsorships in cooperation with Plan International.

    Because we believe that education is the best way to end and fight poverty.

  • since 2018

    Aktion Deutschland hilft

    Logo Aktion Deutschland Hilft
    Since 2018, we have been supporting Aktion Deutschland hilft with a monthly donation. The permanence of our commitment helps the organisation to work worldwide for people who are in need due to droughts, floods or wars.

  • since 2020


    Logo Aktion Deutschland Hilft
    Children are often the ones who are hit hardest by poverty. Through our monthly donation to UNICEF, we help improve health care for children worldwide. For example, by buying 1,000 packs of Oral Rehydration Salts, a simple sugar-salt solution that protects children suffering from diarrhoea from life-threatening dehydration.

  • since 2020

    Kartei der Not

    Logo Aktion Deutschland Hilft
    Logo Aktion Deutschland Hilft
    The heart of the "Kartei der Not" beats for people in the region who, through no fault of their own, have found themselves in a difficult situation and need help.

    What makes us particularly happy is that every euro we donate each month goes directly to those affected. Without any deduction. Because all personnel and administrative costs are borne by the Mediengruppe Pressedruck.

  • since 2021

    SKM - Tafel Memmingen

    Many people cannot afford food. The food bank "Die Tafel" supports these people.

    With our quarterly donation, we help to ensure that the volunteers at the Tafel Memmingen can continue to do this valuable work in the future.

  • since 2021


    Logo Aktion Deutschland Hilft
    Welthungerhilfe was able to support 10.5 million people in 2019 through donations and come a little closer to its big goal - Zero Hunger. Through our monthly donation, we also make a contribution to this.

  • since 2022

    Médecins Sans Frontières

    Logo Aktion Deutschland Hilft
    725,404 people donated to Médecins Sans Frontières in 2021. We have been part of this since 2022. Because helping everyone - regardless of ethnic origin,
    regardless of ethnic origin, religious or political conviction - is a goal we are happy to support.


Sponsoring and memberships

As a growing medium-sized company, HÜBNER-LEE is aware of its social responsibility towards the environment. The company is a member of various associations in order to be able to gain knowledge and new insights from the industry and to strengthen its network in the sector. Furthermore, HÜBNER-LEE is actively involved in sponsoring and funding activities and with supporting various associations.

Logo Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V.
Logo Allianz für Entwicklung und Klima
Logo Forschungsgesellschaft Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau e.V.
Logo LWG
Logo NRHA Germany
Logo Arbeitskreis Pferdebetrieb Gold-Partner

All industries

Outdoor installations
Equestrian sports & animal husbandry
Artificial turf pitches
Social media


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Mon – Tue:   8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Fri:   8:00 am – 1:00 pm
© 2024 Hübner-Lee GmbH & Co. KG
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